Sunday, August 03, 2014

Why do they hate us and trust us?

Mike Barone notices something from the Gaza imbroglio:

The second implication is that the Gazans, who are educated and propagandized to hate Israel, nonetheless have faith in the honesty and honor of the Israelis. They abandon buildings after being warned that they are targeted and, as the story recounts, feel safe in watching the bombing from nearby streets. This reminds me of the accounts of Iraqis in Baghdad walking on riverfront streets in front of government buildings which, they correctly deduced, were going to be targeted by U.S. and coalition forces in the initial stages of the Iraq war in 2003. They had a very high degree of confidence — enough confidence to risk their lives — in the technological capacity and the good will of the United States and its multiple coalition allies.

They hate us but they believe we tell them the truth and that if they do what we advise they will be safe.  I suspect that if any Israeli or American were to do something that a Jihadi advised they would be in serious trouble.  And of course the faithful Muslim terrorist never, ever warns his victims - he just kills them.  I'm glad that we're civilized but it's odd that it gets us so little.

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