Friday, August 15, 2014

Governments are the most unaccountable - the case of the IRS printing contract

The IRS is one of the biggest lawbreakers in an impressively dishonest Federal government.  For example, they have endangered the identities of 14 million taxpayers by not following what for businesses are legally required security procedures to ensure that they sustain the integrity and security of this sensitive data.  The Feds just bung it out there and assume everything will go to plan.  After all, they kick corporate ass - no one kicks their ass.

The geniuses at the Internal Revenue Service gave sensitive data on over a million taxpayers to a printing contractor wiout checking the bona fides of any of the contractor's employees, says the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. The news comes from areport dated last month but just releasedto the public. This and several similar screw-ups "exposes taxpayers to increased risk of fraud and identity theft."
And the sad thing is that you know no one will get fired.  Nothing will change, they'll do it or something like it again and again and again and again.......break it up, break it all up.


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