Sunday, August 24, 2014

Stooges in Paradise: You know this Obama chap is beginning to grow on me

As God is my witness I did not set out in this electoral cycle to engage in Schadenfreude or gloat or say I told you so or otherwise point out the gosh darn obvious.  But with chickens coming home to roost at a frequency and velocity that suggests that the President is firing them out of a high volume repeater cannon, my natural reserves of modesty and discretion are rapidly wearing away.  I mean how many spectacular pratfalls, trips, stumbles, flips and splots can one politico go through before you break out in uncontrollable gales of hysterical laughter?  I know that repeatedly falling on your face/ass/head isn't funny and that it hurts like hell but still I must pay homage where it is due:  not since the first Stooges has a political stooge stooged it up as much as those stooges stooged.  And it took three, nay four of those stooges to generate the stoogage that our modern Presidential Stooge stooges up all by his stoogeful self.  What a spectacle! What an education in the hubris of modern state manipulation! What fun!


More mommy!  I want more!  Make the funny President do it again!

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