Saturday, August 09, 2014

The Feminist shark jumping is spectacular this season

Naomi Schaefer Riley observes in the NY Post:

If you want to see why modern feminism is in crisis, look no further than Michelle Goldberg’s piece in the latest New Yorker.

She describes how transgender activists are protesting the gatherings of the group “RadFem Responds” with “acts of vandalism — stealing electrical cables, cutting water pipes, keying cars in the parking lot, and spray-painting a six-foot penis, and the words ‘Real Women Have D–ks,’ on the side of the main kitchen tent.”

Wait. What?

The radical feminists are under attack because they don’t accept in their ranks people born as biological men but now convinced they’re women. The RadFemmers argue that the transgendered just aren’t oppressed enough to gain membership.

Goldberg explains their position: “Anyone born a man retains male privilege in society; even if he chooses to live as a woman — and accept a correspondingly subordinate social position — the fact that he has a choice means that he can never understand what being a woman is really like.”

It appears that once you decide that sex roles are simply a social construct then anything goes.  Which of course means that you are constantly presented with more and more bizarre subcategories of strangeness all demanding 'acceptance'.  First it was homosexuals who wanted to marry. So a modest subset of the estimated 1.7 percent of the population that is homosexual  turned our laws and traditions upside down. Now it's the transgendered who must be a tiny percent of that 1.7 percent that demand God knows what.  And it looks like the various sects obsessed with their willies and hoo haws and who does what with what, where, who, when and how are all going to diddle each other in a thousand fascinating ways for our viewing enjoyment.

Although I think most people watching will just say eeeeuuuuuwwwww.

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