Sunday, August 03, 2014

When I was in college it was the student body's sacred responsibility to be naughty.

Duke students trying to ban naughty words going on line and saying things like "I don't say icky-poo' or "I don't say naughtything". Well I don't say "Duke students are intelligent or rational" because they're not. When I was in college it was the student body's sacred responsibility to be naughty. Now the little dears panic over naughty.  It will make them good apparatchiks, though.

I don't care what your IQ is if you get the vapors over a routine "fuck" or if hearing "bitch" hits you like a....bitch slap to the face then you're useless.

Next the Birkenstock blue stockings will be referring to legs as limbs. What a bunch of dumb cunts (presented in the English usage: a pathetic fool or ass of either gender but usually male.)

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