Friday, January 23, 2015

Why isn't 13 years of bureaucratic regimentation enough?

President Obama is proposing "universal" preschool and "free" community college to an already over schooled but under skilled nation. Learning factories made sense when knowledge was scarce, bringing everyone together to get a taste of expensive knowledge. But now that knowledge is largely free and our economy is increasingly fragmented and skill based rather than bureaucratic we should be reducing the amount of time young people spend in schools. After all schools are nothing but factories ruled and regimented by unionized teachers for their profit and convenience.  Children who those don't submit to the thirteen year long 'sitting still' treatment get branded as 'problems' and are all but required to take powerful psychoactive drugs to make it easier for the bureaucracy to cope. And in the end the whole process ends up being a tedious and overlong indoctrination into the most depressing, insipid and conformist liberal weltanschauung.

Of course Barack Obama is to the education borg what he claimed Dick Cheney was to the oil and gas industry: a successful exec from the industry using his power to help his old friends and buttress a stalwart Democrat interest group.

The expansion is all about power and money and beating the 'liberal narrative' into every child's head so often for so many years that they no longer have room for more independent thoughts. They call it education but it's anything but.

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