Tuesday, January 20, 2015

OMG that is it. I cannot take this Obami pretentious preciousness any more

The New York Times once again illustrates the  self obsession of our precious Eloi. From the inimitable Mark Steyn.
Even by the usual standards, The New York Times' Michael S Schmidt is drooling more sycophantically than most self-respecting men could stomach:
WASHINGTON — One night last week Cody Keenan, the chief White House speechwriter President Obama has christened "Hemingway," knew he needed help.

Mr. Keenan had spent 15 days holed up in a hotel room in Honolulu as the president vacationed nearby, and seven more in a windowless office in the basement of the West Wing trying to turn a blank computer screen into a 6,000-word State of the Union first draft. The lonesome process had finally gotten to him.
So the burly 34-year-old former high school quarterback left his White House office and trudged in the freezing rain to the nearby apartment of one of his closest friends in the administration, Benjamin J. Rhodes.
It was after midnight, but Mr. Rhodes, a deputy national security adviser and the writer of many of the president's foreign policy speeches, was up reading "To Kill a Mockingbird" to his 4-week-old daughter. The two men poured two single-malt Scotch whiskies and, with the baby resting quietly, began triage on Mr. Keenan's prose.

Is that last paragraph a brilliant parody of media fawning over every Barack courtier's intellectual self-puffery no matter how preposterous? I wish. As noted last week, satire is dead. So the geniuses of the Obama Administration read To Kill A Mockingbird to their four-week-old daughters but send James Taylor to sing "You've Got A Friend" to G7 sovereign nations.

You can't make this stuff up. No. I'm serious. You literally can't make this stuff up. I've tried. Brilliant screenwriters have toiled for months trying. But taking James Taylor to French summit and having that mediocre faux 'folk' singer yowl one of the most insipid fripperies ever fripped at the President of the French Republic in recompense for snubbing him at a March attended by even Ben Netanyahu isn't even a snub. It's a nub or maybe just an "ub".

This President isn't even mailing it in. His proctors are asking him what grade he wants as they drop  by to pick up his personally autographed blank exam book. And to get that they have to give him a pencil 'cause he doesn't have one. Never saw the point,  actually. What with all the pathetic sycophants praising his every fart and tittle like crazed cherubim ever since he was a cherub. Smartest President evah!! Went to Harvard dontchaknow.

More stupifaction at the link.

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