Saturday, January 10, 2015

Liberals are panicked over Islamophobia after Charlie Hebdo and it's Jews that get attacked

The liberal establishment in Europe and America is far more frightened and contemptuous of their own people than the Islamic murderers who actually want to kill them. Renegade Marxist Brendan O'neill explains.

The British press has never seemed as out of touch as it is today. All our broadsheet papers are packed with pleas to the people of France, and other European populations, not to turn into Muslim-killing nutjobs in response to theCharlie Hebdo massacre. TheGuardian frets over “Islamophobes seizing this atrocity to advance their hatred.” The Financial Times is in a spin about “Islamophobic extremists” using the massacre to“[challenge] the tolerance on which Europe has built its peace.” One British hack says we should all “fear the coming Islamophobic backlash.”And what actually happened in France as these dead-tree pieces about a possible Islamophobic backlash made their appearance? Jews were assaulted. And killed. “Don’t attack Muslims,” lectures the press as Jews are attacked

And so it goes in the world of men without chests. Hattip Glenn Reynolds.

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