Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Almost all leftists temper their war on reality once they realize their job depends on it

It turns out that hard left politicians like Francois Hollande love their jobs more than their leftist fantasies. He has quickly jettisoned the risible but quite damaging 75% Pikettyian tax rate for top earners in favor of a series of pro business measures that attempt to revive the comatose French economy. The UK has gleefully fed on the rotting carcass of French capitalism for decades now. It remains to be seen whether Hollande can reverse a tide that has made London the second most populous French city.

It also raises the question: if the celebrated Piketty's prescriptions cannot hold in his own country within his own party no less then just how important is his (incomplete, analytically sloppy) polemic anyway? Other than as another example of the left's war on reality.

While back in America another identity politician and left wing law professor associated with Harvard is rising in the polls among the irrationatti. And there may be too few non subsidized private sector voters left in the party to stop her. Golly what fun!

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