Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Question the leftist narrative on campus sexual assault and you get shouted down

Some might say that the President's claim of one in five women sexually assaulted at college (see below) is hyperbole in the pursuit of fewer ambiguous sexual encounters where everyone is left feeling bad.  The problem with that is that campus sexual assault presents women exclusively as the virtuous victims and men as the perps with no rights.  Nothing ambiguous about that is there?  And when a very liberal advocate for victims rights and against sexual assault points out that a woman's accusation is not the same thing as truth and that there are two sides to a story and that the accused deserve the right to defend themselves without prejudice they are shouted down.

Here's an example of the environment that President Obama's 'facts' are being poured on.  Like gasoline on a fire.  But that's what social vandals do.  What is the opposite of diversity?  University.

This year, the forum couldn't get started because one of the speakers -- who has published numerous books and articles about the subject -- was shouted down by audience members who objected to some of his recent writing about sexual violence.
Kristian Williams, the panelist who was interrupted, was shouted at because of an essay he wrote last year in which he criticized what he saw as a pattern where those who are survivors of sexual violence are presumed to be the only ones who can talk about any conflict over a given incident.
His piece did not deny that sexual violence is real, but he questioned the way some people have been attacked as perpetrators. "Under this theory, the survivor, and the survivor alone, has the right to make demands, while the rest of us are duty-bound to enact sanctions without question," he wrote.
"One obvious implication is that all allegations are treated as fact. And often, specific allegations are not even necessary. It may be enough to characterize someone's behavior –– or even his fundamental character –– as 'sexist,' 'misogynist,' 'patriarchal,' 'silencing,' 'triggering,' 'unsafe,' or 'abusive.' And on the principle that bad does not allow for better or worse, all of these terms can be used more or less interchangeably.  After all, the point is not really to make an accusation, which could be proved or disproved; the point is to offer a judgment. Thus it is possible for large groups of people to dislike and even punish some maligned person without even pretending to know what it is, specifically, he is supposed to have done. He has been 'called out' as a perpetrator; nothing else matters."
At last week's event, video of which appears on YouTube, Williams was shouted down and prevented from even getting a sentence out. Audience members repeatedly shouted: "We will not be silenced in the face of your violence." (Caution: Those offended by expletives may not want to watch the video of the event below.)

Read more:
Inside Higher Ed 

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