Tuesday, May 20, 2014

It is a thoughtcrime to oppose the powerful and unscrupulous

Dinesh D'Souza is a strong and articulate critic of the President.  He 'violated' campaign finance laws by donating too much money to a friend's Senate campaign, helping Wendy Long amass 27 percent of the vote.  $20,000 too much.  In contrast Barack Obama deliberately accepted millions of dollars in donations from foreigners and foreign entities via the (unprecedented) trick of disabling the standard geo tracking functionality on his campaign's credit card merchant account.  Tracking functionality that is essential to avoid credit card fraud but if disabled means you can't tell where the money is coming from - whether it be the Moscow offices of a Russian Oligarch or a Little Sister's of the Poor chapter in Moscow, Idaho.  Millions and millions of dollars.

Guess which man was frog marched in handcuffs to the blaze of press cameras?  Who was accused of a felony and faces 16 months in prison?  Who was singled out among the literally tens of thousands of similar campaign finance violators to be punished?  Now guess why.

In a nation where everything is against the law it is dangerous to become a high profile critic of a President who really doesn't recognize any principled limit to his power. And who  has joked about siccing the IRS on his enemies and that 'when you're enemy comes to the fight with a knife, bring a gun'.

Fascist is as fascist does.  He is a despicable man well on his way to fabulous wealth.  It's a great cautionary tale for your kids - keep your head down, cheer the winners, stay out of the line of fire because the powerful will hurt you if you don't.

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