Friday, March 07, 2014

Lefty admitting that capitalism just won't die, gratifying, having him admit that leftism can't win unless capitalism kills itself, priceless

Loving the Guardian more and more.  They say the darndest things - things that the US MSM think or feel but would never admit.  This chap points out that Capitalism is a series of simple mechanisms that does not rely on the capitalist's brilliance to thrive - I knew that trillions in education would eventually pay off.  Hattip best of the web today at WSJ.

Not Catastrophic Enough
"Not Even Climate Change Will Kill Off Capitalism" reads a headline in a British newspaper. Since it's the left-wing Guardian, that turns out to be bad news. "[The] resilience of capitalism has little to do with the dominant classes being particularly clever or far-sighted," argues Razmig Keucheyan:
In fact, they can keep on making mistakes--yet capitalism still thrives. Why?

Capitalism has created a world of great complexity since its birth. Yet at its core, it is based on a set of simple mechanisms that can easily adapt to adversity. . . .

There is a worryingly widespread belief in leftwing circles that capitalism will not survive the environmental crisis. The system, so the story goes, has reached its absolute limits: without natural resources--oil among them--it can't function, and these resources are fast depleting; the growing number of ecological disasters will increase the cost of maintaining infrastructures to unsustainable levels; and the impact of a changing climate on food prices will induce riots that will make societies ungovernable.

The beauty of catastrophism, today as in the past, is that if the system is to crumble under the weight of its own contradictions, the weakness of the left ceases to be a problem. The end of capitalism takes the form of suicide rather than murder. So the absence of a murderer--that is, an organised revolutionary movement--doesn't really matter any more.

Interview with Adolph Hitler the day after he invaded Russia:  "vell ze only vay ve can vin iss iff the Soviets, Britishers and Americans commit zuicide.  Zo thinks are goink great ja?"

Do you get the feeling that the organized left is morphing into one huge Hale Bopp cult?  Hanging on for the 'big one' that will 'pay back' all of us bad men and usher in the millenium?  As I've said before:  the lefty religion is perhaps the most fundamentalist religion of them all -  those 'cats will believe anything.

Praise be to Koch, may they ever (secretly) reign.

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