Sunday, March 30, 2014

Proud father brag blog

Son Sam was on Megabus to Chicago with GF for a long weekend (Megabus is awesome, crushes and humiliates Amtrak while paying taxes, natch) the Decatur bebadged enter bus and pull 5 'iffy' looking characters off for random frisk and comprehensive luggage search.

Sam politely (while being punched in the arm by GF and observed by the - mostly minority Good Germans) asks them on what probable cause they are delaying the bus and searching passengers.  The gun for a penis gang was shocked at the question and mumbled something about Homeland security.

I am proud that he stood up for other people's rights and didn't behave like the Holderite statists wanted.  I've found that our govternment Skinheads (they all seem to have the shaved skulls these days) are flummoxed when you question their behavior.

Of course the Glock Cocks aren't the real problem it's their thuggish lawyer masters. But still I'm proud of him.  Now, how to get my shy daughter to stand up against the State's criminal tendency.

Oh: the bebadged bozos did find contraband in their search - a bag of weed which is a misdemeanor.  So the boys at the station will be doobing tonite.

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