Monday, March 31, 2014

Chinese factory girl

One of the things that angers me about my country is the condescension that we show towards normal people who live in so called "less developed" countries.  Too often we look at them in Marxist terms (and this is a particular conceit of evangelical conservatives so don't tell me you ain't no commie) as victims who are nothing more than the exploited, abused, helpless means of production for our trinkets. 

I grew up in these countries and that is a lie.   People in poorer countries are every bit as able to make choices about their lives as we are and they demand that we respect their judgment the way they respect ours.

This TED talk is by an author who spent two years with factory girls in South China. It should make you toss your self righteous condescension in the in the dumpster or at least the basement.  Worth the time.

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