Monday, March 10, 2014

Megan McCardle hones in on the Obamacare denouement.

In a phrase:  the Dogs won't eat the Dog Food.  The uninsured for whom this entire death march was initiated are not buying the O'care Alpo.  Either they don't give a damn about insurance or the Obami raised the cost so much via mandates and regulation that it swamps the subsidies on offer meaning that health insurance remains the same poor value that it always has been in many uninsured's eyes.

Denouement, thy name is.....Denouement.
So now that we see the lay of the land, I predict that the result of Obamacare will be to:
1. Smash up the individual and small group insurance markets in most states,
2. Provide subsidies to people who were already buying insurance without subsidies.
3. Create catastrophic losses in the O'care risk pools that either will wreck the insurance companies who were foolish enough to participate or cost the taxpayer tens of billions of dollars or more likely both;
4. Disincent low income employment to the tune of several millions of workers who no longer participate productively in our society.  Likely ever.
5. Guarantee years of screeching gridlock as each side filibusters to block the other's 'reform' of the 'reform' so that we are like two punch drunk fighters clinging to each other, neither having any clue how to escape much less win.  With excess inflation driving the cost of punch drunkness up every year.
6. Demonstrate conclusively that the Federal and State governments are incapable of delivering industry standard quality services and therefore should not be allowed to try.

So to sum up:  vandalized markets, catastrophic expenses, blooming mass confusion, perpetual and fruitless fratricide, discredited government and millions of wasted lives.

PS:  Did notice that I used the nifty French word Denoumont?  It just seems apropos for a policy and bureaucratic blunder on a scale that normally is reserved only for French  governments.

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