Thursday, March 20, 2014

This is what happens when you cater to women's toilet obsessions

Thousands of little boys - mostly 2-3 years old get hurt.  Badly, with their penises' crushed badly enough to go to the emergency room.  Ann Althouse has the tale.

If you go to the summary of the study, at Chalabi's link, you'll easily picture how it happened, and it's not cute or funny at all. There were 13,175 genitourinary injuries related to toilet seats in the U.S. in the years 2002–2010.
The most common mechanism involved crush from accidental fall of toilet seat, described in 9011 (68.4%, 95% CI 6907–11 115) cases.

Most crush injuries were isolated to the penis (98.1%). Of crush injuries, 81.7% occurred in children aged 2–3 years and 99.3% occurred in the home. Crush injuries increased over the period 2002–2010 (P = 0.017) by ≈100 per year, ending with an estimated 1707 (95% CI 1011–2402) by 2010.
The journal, remember, is Pediatrics. These are very little boys just learning to pee at the toilet, with their penis in a vulnerable spot, after they've swung the seat into an incompletely upright position. Once you visualize the problem, the design defect of the toilet seat is actually quite shocking. And yet here is Chalabi — supposedly into statistical revelations — transforming this information into something like a joking parting shot for the article. The reader is prompted to laugh at a grown man — perhaps a bad "date" — who can't even protect his own penis when he opts to pee standing up. 

All because their mothers demand to have the seat down when they stroll in to do their business.  If GM inflicted this kind of carnage it would be lawsuits and shocked, horrified commentary.  If it happened to little girls it would be a criminal catastrophe.  But once again it is glorious womanhood that is imposing cruel carnage on their sons so no big deal, except as an Ezra Klein 'funny'.  Har, har, har.

Looked at as an isolated fact it isn't that big a deal but when taken with all of the other ways that women abuse little boys, from overmedication, to the criminalization of boy style play, to the constant and cruel attempts to turn boys into girls it just is too damn much for me to take.  Women, leave your sons alone, fathers stop your damned wives and their cronies in the schools - what they're doing to your sons is political and immoral.  As immoral as laughing at hurt toddlers.

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