Friday, December 06, 2013

Is Barack Obama sent from the future to hasten the rise of our robot overlords?

No, I'm not talking about his robotic golf swing or his evident cyber-integration with his teleprompter and almost total dependence on a custom Presidential edition of Siri for any question more complex than 'what's your name?'

We currently have a massive un- and underemployment problem which means that wages are falling - which voters hate.  But so do automation providers because the cheaper labor is the less incentive to invest in automation.  So BHO to please both his electoral and cyber overlords is trying to push the minimum wage up, way up at the same time he is unilaterally loosening immigration enforcement and pushing for a doubling of legal immigration.

The result of this labor market pushme-pullyou is an even bigger surplus labor problem that can't be solved with market clearing wages while giving employers massive and wholly artificial incentives to automate away heretofore low wage entry level jobs. See the Applebees and Chili's examples at the link.

It will increase misery which will be blamed on capitalists as well as dependence on the state which as any good Leninist knows is the whole point of this "Democratic" Centralism.

And the people who get screwed the most by the first black President's cynical game? Poor black Americans.  Progressivism is just a way to auction off the weak to the strong while pretending to be on the weak's side.  It is deeply immoral.  But power makes its own morality.

Just ask Lenin.

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