Friday, December 13, 2013

Obami sic IRS Pit Bulls on Tea Party all legal like

Legal like mafia, that is.  Essentially the IRS has reverse engineered a reg that maximizes the damage to conservative leaning groups vis a vis lefty groups.  Which given the 90 to 10 partisan affiliation of the IRS (and the rest of the bleedin' non uniformed Federal government) isn't surprising.  Kin Stassel at the WSJ has the vile, morally criminal story:

Here's how it works. To get or keep tax-exempt status, 501(c)(4) organizations must devote a majority of their work to their "primary" social-welfare purpose. Most tea party groups were set up with a primary purpose of educating Americans on pressing problems—the size of government, the erosion of the Constitution—and did so mainly via nonpartisan voter guides, speakers forums, pamphlets or voter-registration drives.
What the proposed Treasury/IRS regulation would do is to re-categorize all these efforts as "political activity"—thereby making it all but impossible for tea party groups to qualify for 501(c)(4) status. Say an outfit's primary purpose is educating voters on our unsustainable debt, which it does mainly with a guide explaining the problem and politicians' voting records. Under the new rule, that guide is now "political activity" (rather than "social welfare"), which likely loses the group tax-exempt status.
The rule, in other words, is not designed to provide helpful "guidance" on allowable activities. It was designed, rather, as Mr. Camp explains, "to put tea party groups out of business."
What makes this targeting more obvious is that the Obama Treasury rule only applies to 501(c)(4) groups. The ultra-liberal League of Women Voters Education Fund is registered as a 501(c)(3)—one of those "charities" supposedly held to the strictest IRS standards on politicking. Yet it brags on its website that it holds "candidate debates and forums," and that its "educational activities" include "understanding candidate views and ballot initiatives."
The League will continue to be able to do its voter guides and registrations and candidate forums. Yet under this new rule, any conservative social-welfare organization that attempts to do the same will likely lose its tax-exempt status. Nor does the new rule apply the biggest spenders of all in politics—unions, which are registered as 501(c)(5)s. The only category muzzled is the one recently flooded by conservative groups that Democrats fear in the 2014 election.
The bottom line lads and laddesses is that the left really believes that you and I hold evil view and if we promote them we should be punished.  There really is not qualitative difference between an Obami and a Stalinist, a testicular one, yes, qualiative no.  It's thugs all the way down (and up).

It's really hard to keep a Republic when half of the polity and all of the government don't believe in it.  As Ben Franklin responded to the question:  "Well Doctor, do we have a Republic or a Monarchy?".  "A Republic if you can keep it".  Keep it indeed, when the Obami don't believe in it.

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