Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Captain Perfecto

This is the first part of a multi part post.  Part 2 is here.

So God's perfect, right? How do we know? Well we don't. We just assume that since He tells us that He will kill us if we sin* then He must not be doing the dirty which I guess is a reasonable assumption so long as you believe that God is also good or at least has the same sense of fair play that we do. But that doesn't mean he's perfect does it? You can make an honest mistake and it not be sin, can't you? And I assume so can God.

But hang on a tick: God's not just sin free, he's the Great Omn-I-Am: omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. Which implies perfection doesn't it?  Particularly if you hold that God stands outside of the space time continuum then it's hard to see how God could be anything but perfect within our universe.

Of course this isn't quite as shocking as it first seems.  One of the benefits of software modeling is that it gives us humans the ability to conceptualize and execute self contained universes where the gamer can with the use of parameters and time shifting replicate after a fashion the great Omni-I-Am.

For example, the notion that the Creator is sin free is readily parameterized into Sim behavior so that any act of the Prime Mover is accepted as real, true, and just. Regardless of its 'objective' morality or apparent stupidity . If the PM says it's righteous to remove the last ten millimeters of every grown Sim's foreskin with a dull iron age knife then by golly the Sims will happily line up with their loin cloths around their ankles shouting out joyous screams of righteous agony in praise of the glorious prime mover's brilliant commands.

Which is why some smart alecs argue that we're nothing but Sims in a virtual world created by beings from a higher dimension who are stuck living in their mom's basement because they're dorks who can't get a date on the higher dimensional equivalent of Saturday night. They say that the foreskin business is a dead giveaway that we've been created by pencil neck punks. Or not. There are even scientists who claim they can divine whether or not we're in a mom's basement world. Or at least one where the Creator hadn't thought of the basement world gag or on learning that the scientists had the gag, hasn't gone back two turns and coded for it so that their idea of his idea got made into his idea of their idea until no one had any idea. Oh dear, my eyes have gone cross.

You can see how unreal reality can get when you think too deeply about it.  Oh God!

No I'm not talking to you Nelger Zarthusian 5th dimensional proto being living in your mom's lower spawning and waste conversion chamber, you dork.  Why don't you get a productive pod purpose or a job or something? Sheesh! I can't stand the 5th Dimension they're  Part 2 is here.

*More like he will kill us in a way where we can't move but will still feel pain and then stomp on us for eternity. But don't worry, the theologians tell me that thiswill be perfectly just torture and that God feels really, really bad about it.

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