Saturday, December 07, 2013

I'm ashamed to be an American and you should be too.

Read this piece on Federal drug sentencing from Reason. Link at bottom.

Our Federal legal system  is far more cruel, more arbitrary and destructive than anything old King George could imagined in the depths of his blue pissing Porphyria dementia.  Please remind me why we put these Federal thugs in charge? Had we stayed British WW1, WW2 our civil war, alcohol prohibition and the drug war wouldn't have happened. At least not at the level of lunacy that Federal America succeeded in provoking. And literally tens of millions of Americans wouldn't be felonized and/or locked up.

The glorification of this truly vicious superstate is increasingly obscene.  As some of you know as a small boy in the English school of Abu Dhabi
I was beaten repeatedly for defending America's 'honor'. So much that the predecessor of the American Community School was created as a protective measure. But for the record: I  deserve every split lip and bloody nose I got. Not because of what America does to the Taliban but because of how we oppress ourselves. 

If you aren't utterly ashamed you're part of the problem.

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