Friday, November 08, 2013

These 'cats may believe in government but they have absolutely no idea how to govern

The Obami are perhaps the most statist crowd to get power since Woodrow Wilson (our last academic President). They believe in government with all their hearts and minds.  It's a pity they don't know a damned thing about actually, you know, governing.   They are continually deriding the private sector as greedy, corrupt, unable to deliver on what people need without their intervention.   They have constantly dictated, mandated, manipulated, prosecuted, persecuted, and nudged the people to behave as they see fit because they are so much more capable and wise than we are.  And if you ask them where this spectacular competence and wisdom came from, they point to a political campaign.  But BHO didn't run the campaign, he was the talent. Like Barbra Streisand on tour it was other people who did all the planning, budgeting and coordination, BHO just waltzed up to the mike and 'sang' to the rapturous applause of the true believers or the mainstream press. But I repeat myself.

And like that loud dumb blonde, these 'cats have absolutely no idea what they are doing. They've shoved their oars into virtually every nook and cranny of the US economy, driving a ferocious capital strike that has real unemployment nearing depression levels without the foggiest idea of how it was all going to work.  Egged on by an equally ignorant partisan press, no one who was anyone asked the hard questions (of course we Republicans and Libertarians screamed bloody murder but you see, we're not anyone, because we don't believe).

This failure to even minimally govern extends far beyond healthcare.  The EPA is in the process of executing a 10X increase in its regulatory coverage.  10X due to CO2 despite there being no surface warming for going on eighteen years.  I'm sure that one is going to be painless.  Dodd Frank, the lunatics guide to financial regulation is lost in the swamp.  Stunningly, these poindexters took the half dozen competing agencies that 'regulated' financial services (I've always wondered how can you 'regulate' something when the regulators are so chaotic and 'unregulated'?  Don't they just introduce more complexity and uncertainty into the system?) and instead of rationalizing them they added another.  And of course all the blood and treasure we spent in the middle east to establish a little stability was arrogantly swept away to the point that staunch allies for over 70 years are now announcing publicly that they are ex allies and are seeking to make a deal with the Russians.  To top it off, BHO is selectively enforcing immigration, gun, minimum sentencing and other laws as if they were just a list of suggestions for his perusal.

Perhaps we should only allow minimally qualified individuals to run for the Presidency.  OJT is just too damned expensive.

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