Thursday, November 14, 2013

After Failure comes Flailing

Well it's all but official now: there's no way out for O'care. It tripped coming off the blocks and is crawling blindly off into the shot put landing range weeping softly. Its opponents (me! me!) are cheering louder than than the crowd at a Miley Cyrus prison concert when the twerking begins and the press - heretofore the easiest lay at Capitol High - are primly straightening their skirts and touching up their makeup on the way to the Principal's office to claim "that nasty man, Barack Obama, seduced us" (over and over and over again).

And 535  sweathogs are taking the campaign slogans developed from focus groups and busily turning them into 'amendments' to Obamacare.  It's crazy time at Capitol high and the inmates are bouncing off the walls.  And during crazy time, failure turns in to destructive flailing.  It's as if each of the 535 had light sabers that couldn't be turned off.  Here are the most likely sweat-crazed results:
  • Postpone the individual mandate.  This will make lots of people happy.  It will result in millions of sick people signing up and no healthy ones.  It will cost the insurers billions.
  • Let people keep their current plans.  This will make lots of people happy.  It will cost the insurers billions and the chaos and confusion will also make them look stupid, diverting attention away from the truly stupid.
  • Establish a Federal Charter that mandates a common, low cost Federal plan standard.  Even if you could get the Obami to completely reverse field philosophically from mandating wildly expensive prepaid healthcare to mandating modest catastrophic policies you are setting up a future catastrophe.  Like replacing 50 petty rent seeking bureaucracies with one intergalactice champion rent seeking bureaucracy that you can never escape.  This is the dumbest idea I've seen a conservative come up with since, well I can't think of another one right now.
So regardless of which looney idea our light saber wielding 'lightbringers' come up with we are in for a year of chaos, confusion, waste and economic destruction towards no useful purpose.  All I can say is remember what 'ol Claytie Williams said:  lay back and enjoy it gang because they done already raped ya.


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