Wednesday, November 06, 2013

So it's Hillary's to lose. OK, good government types, are you cool with this?

Now that it turns out that the Young Pretender really was just pretending to be a competent Chief Executive (but in fairness, who could have known? all the other career Senior Law Lecturers who've never published even a single scholarly article have been highly effective chief executives) the Old Pretender - Hillary Clinton - pops up fresh, demure and ever so eligible.  And boy is she rich. She just returned from a two speech junket that earned her a cool $400,000 from those arch egalitarians at Goldman Sachs - a group dedicated to the proposition that what is good for Goldman Sachs is good for...Goldman Sachs.  When combined with husband Bill's steady haul as 'Elder Statesman' the two are estimated to be worth a cool $80 Million.  Boy, I wish I'd become a 'public servant'.

And she is picking up endorsements from the great and the good, well at least the great of the Democratic Party establishment:  Chuck Schumer et al.  And her minions  - no matter how unprincipled and corrupt - are winning important elections.  Yes things are looking very good for a January 2017 coronation for Hilary Clinton, the second of Her Name.  Never mind the political incest, the incompetence, the undisguised greed and the failure to demonstrate either good judgement or leadership skills, the Old Pretender is odds on favorite to retake the Eagle Throne of the elective monarchy that our constitutional Republic has become.

And the question I have for my (overwhelmingly decent, moderate, good government) Democrat friends :  Are you OK with this?  The remarkably corrupt wife of a corrupt ex-President who is so deep in the pocket of the party's Wall Street financiers that she doesn't even try to hide it, waltzing around as your heir apparent?  Is this what the Party of Jefferson, Jackson and Roosevelt has decayed into?  A vehicle for grasping lawyers and financiers to stitch up power in the name of the people?

And if not, what are you going to do about it?

Just asking.

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