Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Crucial last jobs report before 2012 election was faked

It turns out that the Census bureau (who conducts the monthly household employment survey) fabricated the survey results for households it could not reach.  And it just so happens that the employment report in question was the last one before the 2012 election and it further happens that this 'special' month had an 'amazing' reduction of unemployment from 8.1 to 7.8 percent.  A result contradicted by other macroeconomic indicators. At the time Jack Welch, Rick Santelli and others openly questioned the number but were shouted down by Obama's Press Choir singing the progressive Hallelujah Chorus.  Awfully damned convenient, don't you think?

For the sake of the Republic, I hope that the Obami are the ones who initiated this because as was true in the IRS scandal if it turns out that the Federal Civil Service are becoming independent partisan operators in our politics, then the Republic is in desperate trouble.  I don't think my leftward friends understand just how the deck is stacked in their favor.  Almost the entire public workforce, from the Feds, States, Cities, Schools, Universities you name it is Democrat.  When Democrats are in power they help them, when Republicans are, they resist them.  But heretofore it's been rather passive behavior that befits their status as 'non-partisan'.

But now it appears as if our 'servants' may be actively manipulating our politics and indeed our data to promote Democrat electoral success.  If  this is the case and continues, it will eventually mean the end of the Republic.

The only silver lining in all this for Conservatives is that the officers, non coms and combat troops of our military are overwhelmingly and resolutely conservative.  And Christian.  Which is why the Obami have been running a rather massive purge of 'politically unreliable' General Officers.  It won't work, Barry.  Because unlike the FBI, DEA, IRS or Census Bureau, the Officer Corps has honor.  They're willing to die for the country, but not lie for you.

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