Wednesday, July 09, 2014

We desperately need morality. Real morality.

I recognize that that is not a 'winning' blog post headline but I was struck by this essay from (ever so agnostic, libertarian) arguing that the most important thing a human can do affirmatively is to exercise their critical moral judgement - to choose.  As the author says about today's pseudo moralistic environment:

This is a moral mirror world in which it appears as if the virtuous ones are those who have liberated themselves from the moral strictures of society, but in which the real truth is that society is deeply troubled by the idea of genuinely individual judgement, of being moral. What passes for virtue today is really the pretence that one has escaped at last from oneself. 

I think that's what has been going on with Hobby Lobby, Gay wedding photography and cake making as well as the expansive definition of sexual assault and other 'moral' panics of our age.  The society is trying to define moral reasoning as a list of 'correct' answers to questions when true moral reasoning is an act of thought and will.  You cannot memorize a moral sensibility, what you can do is develop it so that it may guide you in making judgments about the world around you.

And there is nothing more terrifying to the authorities than using your own judgment to arrive at your own (possibly incorrect) decisions rather than the pre-digested choices of elite opinion.  Nudging, speech codes, draconian punishment for human frictions are all part and parcel of pushing individual judgment down a rabbit hole.

Fight them with all your heart and soul and mind and yes, judgment.  The rest here.

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