Sunday, November 02, 2014

If Redskin is a slur then a Viking is a murdering, rapist thief.

It's just that the descendants of those who went "a-viking" as it was called think that's kind of cool. Besides it's white trash criminality so it doesn't get to be politically correct any more than brawling irishmen or land thieving Oklahomans do. Of course Oklahoma means "land of the red men" which is either a slur on native Americans or women or both. But Indians created the name Oklahoma just like they did Redskin so it makes sense that one's a Goddamned Racist Affront (TM) and the other the proud name of a state.

They say that this controversy arose on college campuses and I believe them. Because only college weenies combine such ludicrous a-historical hypocrisy with ignorant and self righteous bullying. The rest if us would be too well informed and embarrassed. Snyder should change the team's name to the Collegians which of course in today's parlance means: "Noisy, self righteous dumb-asses sucking at the government teat"

Fuck all bullies, particularly the PC ones. From Powerline.

Actually, I could go either way on “Redskins.” I can see how some who don’t mind Chiefs or Indians or Braves could see it as offensive. Mostly, though, I hate the bullying that now largely dominates our public discourse, the ceaseless demands that the rest of accede to the ever-shifting requirements of political correctness. So I hope Snyder sticks to his guns.

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