Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Jon Gruber, Democrat Apparatchik extraordinaire: Yeah so we lied through our teeth to get Oara past the rubes. So what?

O'care's success has always been predicated on:
1. Jamming it down the opposition's throat by hook or crook
2. Keeping that opposition small through lies and deception until O'Care became a fait accompli
3. At which time the splendiferous swellness of the program and more to the point the subsidy money for the proles and the market rigging for the swells would see it through in perfect corporatist order.

The screw up was that to get it supported by every one of  the 60 thimbleriggers and patronage junkies of Democratic caucus including such principled characters as Mary Landrieu, Ben Nelson and Richard Menendez they had to create an insanely complicated, unworkable mess.

The key to other universal health care schemes has always been simplicuty: yes they might be letting mom die in agony in her own waste in the next room but I'm covered if I get sick and I don't have to do much of any thing except show up and fill out a form and presto! somebody else pays. Not thinking or having to do anything was their key.

But Barack Obama - that sweet, inexperienced and utterly unqualified naif - actually believed that the Federal Borg was a capable force for good (imagine a bunch of Smokey Bears who shave setting the stage for a nationwide catastrophic conflagration rather than just wrecking our forests) rather than the worst collection of thugs, mugs and plug uglies ever assembled to screw something up since the French General staff ca 1940.

Details at the link.


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