Wednesday, November 19, 2014

“It was good being the party of Robin Hood. Until they morphed into the Sheriff of Nottingham.”

What happens when the party of the state needs so much money to keep its operations going that it must plunder it's working and middle class base to stay afloat? And it's still going to go bankrupt!
Sheriff of Rottingham, more like. The story is oh so familiar:

Henninger zooms in on the significance of all this in noting that the Democrats are the party of the state and public sector. “Over a long period,” he writes, “the costs of maintaining the state have risen inexorably, especially in the North due to public-union costs and transfer payments.” The problem is that there isn’t enough money in the public coffers to pay for the governmental structure that is the foundation of the Democrats’ political standing.

Unwilling to restructure government, state Democrats turned to taxes. “First,” writes Henninger, “they raised taxes on large business. Then the ‘wealthy.’ Then came the fees and regulatory costs for smaller businesses. In Maryland and Illinois, companies and the wealthy fled.”

But it still wasn’t enough, so Democratic politicians (and some Republicans, notes Henninger) started imposing regressive fees across the board. Then comes a passage that gets to the crux of the matter:

“Which means the party’s pols are now siphoning cash straight out of the budgets of their blue-collar and middle-class base. That hurts.”

Based on endless television interviews and Obama’s postelection news conference, it seems the Democrats are salving their wounds with two thoughts—first, this is merely the midterm elections and in presidential elections their constituency will come out in force and rescue them again; and second, those troublesome whites are going to be overrun demographically at some point, anyway, so there’s nothing to worry about.

This isn’t a governing philosophy. It isn’t even a philosophy. Many Democratic analysts figured that the demographic changes washing over America would hand them a governing position in the country without a fight. But that isn’t how democratic politics works. There’s always a fight, as the 2014 election returns demonstrate

And despite all the taxing blue cities and states are still circling the fiscal drain: First Detroit and a batch of mid sized Californian cities and soon Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City (pulled forward by six months of truly insane fiscal profligacy by the new 'progressive' mayor) and a host of other oh so blue, oh so progressive garden spots will tip into the toilet.  To be followed by the formerly "great" states of California, Illinois, New York, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Maryland and so on.  And all the last minute "Tough Guy" moderate Republican Governors and big media shilling in the world won't save Dems from their fate:  to become the party of high taxes, collapsing services and bankruptcy.*

Read the whole thing. Happy days are here again!

*The other stalwsrts of the 'progressive' state are also scheduled to fail for the same reasons: hundreds upon hundreds of colleges and universities and urban school districts will die noisy, messy deaths with their self righteous faculties, staffs and students shrieking about how despite truly intergalactic levels of per student spending they are still being oppressed by honky white bread tax paying America, which will do wonders for the Party of the State's electoral prospects. But you kids go ahead and count on raw, overt racialism to save you.

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