Sunday, November 09, 2014

Speed the Mamet

David Mamet is America's most successful playright.  In 2008 he outed himself as a conservative which caused him to take a hit with certain theater companies.  This article tells that story but also points out that in the market as opposed to the tax subsidized NFP theater world, Mamet has never been more popular or successful.  It raises a fundamental question about subsidized art:  why do it? Mamet shows that the market works, at least for plays and the NFPs demonstrate that they aren't interested in what is popular but rather want to raise awareness for left wing issues.  Thus our NFP art subsidies are nothing but another wing of the leftist agitprop infrastructure.

Which both you and I knew but it is fascinating to see just how true (and unjust) it is.  Break it up, break it all up. And speed the Mamet.

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