Monday, November 17, 2014

This is a secret rejection of the market by someone not self aware enough to recognize what he's done.

If voters must become conversant in the arcana of health insurance and managed care to supervise the Republic then sign me up for Caudillo school right now. The brilliance of our republic has been that people didn't need to trouble themselves with what goes on in DC.

It's like the argument that the Free Market in detergent (or insert your commodity) is a sham because only a few percent of consumers are conversant about the product category. But that is the beauty of marginal thinking. A shift of a few percent changes the balance of power in a government or a market. Result: most people don't need to be geniuses, they can rely on healthy product and political markets to send them the right signals.

And the political market seems to be sorting itself out quite nicely right now thankyouverymuch. Sneering boffins right or left are tedious in the extreme.

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