Tuesday, November 18, 2014

IRS wants to tax London mayor Boris Johnson because he was born here and left when he was five

In other news the IRS has not acted on the millions of dollars in back taxes that Al Sharpton has owed for more than a decade.

In other other news the IRS was forced to admit under oath that it hasn't even begun to look for the Emails that the IRS illegally destroyed despite Congressional and court subpeonas asking for them.
The subpeonas were to address allegations that the IRS singled out hundreds of conservative groups for harassment that IRS honcho and Dem contributor Lois Lerner took the Fifth to avoid testifying on.

In other other other news it was revealed that the Acting Commissioner of the IRS and its Chief Counsel visited the White House over 300 times in the first Obama term. The number of times they visited the Bush White House in the equivalent time span: 1.

Oh and Boris Johnson is, of course, a conservative. And people wonder why conservatives fear and distrust the Federal government.

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