Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Net neutrality: what happens when nothing is left of a party except the rent seeking.

One would think that in the midst of a six year long capital strike driven by huge numbers of invasive regulations of energy supply, consumption, fringe benefits, healthcare finance and delivery, retail banking, investment banking, CO2 emissions, automobiles, appliances, college sexual politics ad infinitum the powers that be would be satiated.  And you would be wrong.  Instead the Obami are targeting  two of the most dynamic sectors that heretofore have avoided much in the way of Federal 'assistance'.

The Fracking industry is scheduled to get all sorts of "help" from an EPA whose leaders and rank and file want to shut it down and now this:  strangling online commerce with a reregulation of telecommunications dressed up as 'net neutrality' - Ma Bell Resurrected.  

Holman Jenkins chronicles the wrecking of our most innovative industry so that DC lawyers can live large. These people are far to the left if where Ted Kennedy was. It's as if they really believe all the anti-capitalist agitprop they heard (or taught) in college.

Incomprehensible except as rent seeking.

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