Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Another example of both Church Lady hysteria and feminist privilege

Lena Dunham details some sexual experimentation with her younger sister when both were very young. I didn't read the book but if this hit piece details the 'worst' then it's similar to stuff that I did with cousins and friends when I was very young.  It's very normal except in our vile Church Lady (left, right, churched, unchurched, male, female) world where sex is so  'wound up' in sexual politics that the 'wrong thing' done by the 'wrong' sort is a vile crime but when done by the 'right' sort say by Uber Feminist Lena Dunham is just an amusing anecdote from childhood to be retailed hardcover at 19.99 a pop.

The problem here is church lady hysteria.  The secondary problem is church lady double standards.  Lena Dunham is a church lady from the anti church branch - she should have known better.

But the real fundamental problem are all the church ladies and their belief that they are entitled to brutalize the rest of us we don't behave as they say we should.  Unless we're one of them, of course.

Which is more obscene than anything Lena Dunham ever did to her sister.

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