They worship Gaia you see and Gaia came to hedge fund hedonist Tom Steyer in a dream and said "Thou shalt not allow Keystone, nor shall thou allow jobs to be created, neither prosperity to spread across the land. Nor shall you do anything that is environmentally rational because the Canucks will burn more btus sending their oil over the Rockies to Asia than they would to Texas and the North Dakotans will still send their oil to Texas just by rail which is far, far dirtier. But thou art my religious nutjob and the President that thou hast bought lock stock and barrel for
$100 million dollars in Democrat friendly campaign spending is thine plaything. Verily I say unto you go take this Obamanation and bury it deep, deep in the ground where corruption and worms and lobbyists will eat of its vigor."
"Because I am thy God and thou art my patsy. To patsy cake, patsy cake, little hedge fund man."
The Obamanation at work, filled with brilliant ideas to 'save' us. |
Thus saeth the
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