Friday, July 04, 2014

I don't know if Americans are deranged but Salon's Jim Sleeper has clearly lost it

Consider this gem from the intro of his piece:

We, the people are violent and filled with rage: A nation spinning apart on its Independence Day

School shootings, hatred, capitalism run amok: This 4th of July, we are in the midst of a tragic public derangement

School shootings?  Mass shootings aren't any more common now than in the past.

Hatred?  Of what?  We've just given LGBTQs equal marriage rights, we discriminate in favor of blacks and hispanics for hiring, college admissions and other things. Doesn't seem to be much hating going on in my neck 'o the woods.

Capitalism run amok? Really?  You're really going to pull out that old chestnut after all the regulatory expansions in the past decade?  You wouldn't know capitalism if it hit you in the face with a flounder.

Rage - well a lot of us are pretty darn ticked at our incompetent President but it's not rage.  I mean if things are truly spinning out of control where are the riots?  Where are the pitched street battles?

Mr. Sleeper needs to sleep it off.  Or perhaps get out of whichever Blue State bubble he's trapped in.  Not rage, not violence, not hate.  Just life.

What a maroon.

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