Tuesday, July 08, 2014

A survey of the top 50 college freshman reading lists could not find a single book that could be characterized as " conservative"

Some of my friends who are liberal or moderate think I'm smarter than I am simply because I have read more widely than they. If you've spent four years fending off pudgy left jabs then a roundhouse right hook will knock you out every time. Jonathan Haidt explains the phenomenon sociologically here.

Now I'm sure there's lots of "neutral" books on the list too. And taken by themselves some of the "liberal" books listed might be good although the classic prog "eat your peas" tone is enough to turn anyone into a campus mass murderer. But among all of the history, literature, economics, psychology, sociology, art, music, theatre, dance liberal education coursework there was not one professor out of 50 top institutions that required the reading of even one right of center tome?  Not one out of 1000 profs requiring 5000 readings?  None?  Nada?

At least they no longer require "I Rigoberta Menchu" - the tale of a central American Indian abused by right wing death squads so much that she became a leftist lesbian intellectual and won a Nobel prize for literature and now lectures in Tony US and Euro colleges. She evolved so much that she 'forgot' about the poor victimized campesino crap that she made up to write the book. IMHO the book was crap too.

But apparently our colleges have taken   their "trigger" warnings and micro aggression propaganda to heart. And not wanting to upset their little snowflakes they've shielded them from all the evil thinking of what is still a very conservative world. So they can get the shit kicked out of them when they wander out of snowflake village. In fairness, most of the snowflakes understand that much that is taught in academe is blinkered and biased and act accordingly.  But it would be nice if professors acted in their brutally looted students' interests for once in their cynical lives and taught rather than indoctrinated.

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