Monday, November 03, 2014

Social sharing systems flourish where they can overcome Progressive and New Deal Era regs

Check out what is happening in Los Angeles due to Uber and Lyft.

Uber was clever enough to get a deregulation law for its ride sharing app passed in California before the entrenched interests caught on. The result has been salutary social and economic change.
But all of the special interests empowered by the "progressive" belief that the state can and should regulate everything that people do outside of sex or religion (oops now they want to regulate those too) are now up in arms and fighting to protect their iron rice bowls.

This is why we have the great stagnation outside of the internet: the Internet is largely unregulated and so new that there weren't any entrenched interests with state privileges to dislodge.  The rest of our economy is lousy with rent seekers and their paid government agents.

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