MIT proto boffin wrecks Piketty's retirement plans in 469 words. Of course everyone knows the Pikester only puts out Marxist, Goal oriented agitprop but still....
Every time someone reads this blog an angel gets its wings. - Zuzu, the Elder
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Die Marxist Frog boy's career die!
Monday, March 30, 2015
And another competitive, innovative industry is cartelized.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
What really happened to Harry Reid?
The Doyenne of Las Vegas power brokers was beaten up by an exercise machine? And then announces his retirement from the only job he's ever had? The job that has made his family rich and sustains their connections?
And the all but state run press buys his story. Here's a smart lawyer asking smart questions. Here's his follow up. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Conservatives and good government liberals should spread the word.
The "Two Minute Hate" is back too.
As soon as I say it the good Burghers of New York do it. Ithaca College is in New York. New York has become so toxic.
Hat tip
Ithaca College has an online get tagged system to report "microaggressions".
What's next? Two minute hates? From Reason
Love equals Hate, Freedom equals Slavery, We have always been at war with Eastasia.
Colleges and universities aren't simply rendering themselves superfluous to our Republic. They increasingly represent vectors for seriously illiberal ideas to enter our society. Just as they did in Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.
Jonah Goldberg was right: Liberal Fascism lives!
So the press have decided that her Marriedness is their only hope of keeping the Obama reign of error alive.
It is sad to watch a once proud press corps frisk and gambol with tails wagging, waiting for a chance to lick their master's hand. Pathetic really.
"Good government" liberals must be beside themselves with frustration watching Hillary Clinton's anointment.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
" "The truth is, you can dwell on Yemen, or you can recognize that we're one agreement away from a game-changing, legacy-setting nuclear accord on Iran that tackles what every one agrees is the biggest threat to the region."
Friday, March 27, 2015
V I C T O R Y that's the Obami's Yemen battle cry - no matter how badly we've lost.
Iranian thugs rule, our man in exile, hundreds of millions in weapons gone walkabout and the Saudis threatening invasion.
Attaboy Barry, Yemen is clearly a "W" for you. Well when compared to Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, etc. Etc.
Again, I would have some sympathy if it weren't for the Obami's signature mix of arrogance and ignorance. To "Barack" really is to screw up arrogantly. Harvard boys - bah!
Lee Kwan Yew was a capitalist who talked like a socialist. Most American politicians are socialists who talk like capitalists.
Frats sue Wesleyan for sex discrimination - this should be fun.
An aggressive China is provoking a rational regional response. Which would be good if the United States wasn't led by a feckless geopolitical fool.
You have to understand Barack Obama is an Alinskyite Community "Organizer" trainer. He used to TEACH people how to organize mobs. It's all he knows.
It's like we don't have a Constitution.
Limited options for Congress as Obama seeks to bypass lawmakers.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Perhaps like Barbie the Obami just find math hard
That would explain why they think 5 in 100,000 sexual assaults reported by the DOJ equals 1 in 5. It's how the left perpetrates hate speech against men.
More here.
Good blogs to go by.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Preventing genocide "no reason to stay in Iraq": Obama 2008
Just because the greenhouse effect is easy to understand doesn't mean anthropogenic global warming is an emergency.
"At Cornell treason...oops I mean diversity is our strength"
Cornell dean caught on undercover camera saying ISIS welcome on campus.
Ever since the faculty and administration caved to black power activists in the late 60s Cornell has been a fun house for Radicals. Why would any rational person go there?
More here.
If the Feds do the same job "working with the states" on chemical weapon preparedness as they did with O'Care then we're dead.
The states had better realize that they're on their own. Thank God I live in a well run non union Red state. People in NY and Cali are doomed by their insane choices.
DHS head "exerted improper influence" for Reid and McCauliffe deals
Obama Tech-ch-ch-ch-chia pets get what they want from Dems. Middle American companies? Not so much.
With Google averaging a meeting a week with the White house while overseeing the One's reelection, is it any wonder they get just what they want? Most cynical regime ever. Crooks. Just like Chicago taught them. Like Jonathan Adler said "they take bureaucracy and turn it into a racket".
Google Makes Most of Close Ties to White House.
Search giant averages a White House meeting a week during Obama administration
Updated March 24, 2015 9:24 p.m. ET
WASHINGTON—As the federal government was wrapping up its antitrust investigation of Google Inc., company executives had a flurry of meetings with top officials at the White House and Federal Trade Commission, the agency running the probe.
Google co-founder Larry Page met with FTC officials to discuss .....Everything!
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
When Rape isn't Rape even when it's done by a 200 man gang to a stripped nude and beaten CBS reporter.
L'enfants pathetique
The purpose of "liberal" education is to expose students to challenging and heterodox perspectives. That's changing now that thr Academe has become fully left. To paraphrase the execrable Tayyip Erdogan upon winning power: liberal education is like a train - the academic left gets off when it gets to its stop.
Of course most elite universities were originally founded by the Church to indoctrinate priests and ministers. So they're just returning to their religious roots. Different faith, same intolerance.
More on the illiberality of "liberal" education from Wapo here.
Is ignorance of our infinite and metastatizing law really no excuse?
No one has a clue of all the legal jeopardy they are in all the time. Which is how the state likes it: state power is maximized when everyone is guilty. It means you can manipulate anyone for any reason.
Let there be two America's: the case for Federalism.
I would love to see true Federalism in America but most blue states would suffer Mediterranean levels of economic collapse as their industries - up to now protected by Red State legislators - are devoured. But it would be fun to watch the chaos for a while. Places like California and New York have all the advantages. Yet they've squandered them so that they are poorer and more bankrupt than places like Oklahoma or Tennessee which have virtually none. Which is a-fricking-mazing to me..
The death of Catholic Universities is just a special case of the death of almost all American institutions of "higher" learning
The humanity and social science parts of these institutions have become so corrupt and corrupting that they need to be defunded. As do the more politicized sciences like "public health" and climate "science". Keep the trade school bits and let the rest float free of tuition, tax and cash subsidies. The wailing and gnashing of teeth will be a sight to behold but is necessary if our civilization is to ever recover from their subsidy fueled depredations.
More discussion about the particular dilemma facing the Catholics here.
You might be interested in the guidelines at the institution "investigating" the UVA rape hoax
What are the odds that the people who wrote this will be fair and balanced? Hat tip
You might be interesting in this Tip Sheet from Columbia’s Dart Center:
Note how from the very first paragraph the tip sheet assumes that anyone making a complaint is a “survivor,” not an “alleged victim” or other neutral language.
Nowhere do these guidelines say “Be sure to give the alleged perpetrator or his/her representatives a chance to respond to the allegations.”
But they do say:
“Listening is important. Make sure to allow ample time for the source to tell you their story. Don’t rush them. Don’t press for details if they are not willing. Allow them to tell you what they feel comfortable talking about.”
The closest the document comes to saying “Check the facts!” is this:
“Corroborate information. Be aware that accounts of what happened may not be entirely accurate as trauma can impact a person’s memory. A person may forget details or misremember due to the psychological effects of the trauma. Be sure to corroborate your information with other sources to the extent possible.”
But note how any discrepancies in an account of an assault are pre-judged to be the result of that assault, the reality of which is not to be questioned.
One could argue that Sabrina Rubin Erdely followed these guidelines in her Rolling Stone piece. She only corroborated the facts in the story to the extent that they would not upset her “survivor.”
Columbia Journalism School is the institution investigating that Rolling Stone piece. Fortunately, Steve Coll, dean of the school, is a first-rate journalist. Hopefully, they will produce a solid report—and then circle back to take another look at their own guidelines for reporting these stories
Monday, March 23, 2015
The leftists are dumping Israel faster than dysentery.
Israel has become so bourgeois that it is no longer "hip" to support. Principles? Truth? Never been a left preoccupation. Now power. Baby. They love power
Jonathan Swift's best poetry
From Swift's "On Poetry, a Rhapsody"
So, naturalists observe, a flea
Hath smaller fleas that on him prey;
And these have smaller still to bite 'em;
And so proceed ad infinitum.
Thus every poet, in his kind,
Is bit by him that comes behind.
Oakland raises minimum wage 36% and businesses shut down.
Of course Oakland and Cali in general have a well earned reputation for poking their eye out with a sharp stick.
Or in liberal speak: listening to "Political" Paul Krugman. More Krugmania here
England is a paradise for Muslim child rapists
Lewinsky being rehabilitated? Now who would the press be targeting? Hillary.
"Hillary we knew ya well but yer a loser." That's the new left press line. And the left after 8 years of losing by winning desperately want a winner. Must have ovaries but must win too. Sorry HooHoo, it ain't you. So we'll just drag Monica's seaweed draped corpse onto your fo'c'sl.
More sendin' of Hillary's hopes to Davy Jones locker here.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Starbucks: where only the coffee is black.
Glenn Reynolds notes:
It’s not shocking at all that this lame “conversation about race” stuff is coming from an organization that’s as white as a Netroots Nation conference, an Obama campaign HQ, a New Republic alumni get-together or a Vox editorial board meeting.
The primary purpose of race-talk in America today is to allow elite whites to silence and shame non-elite whites. Thus, it’s not surprising that the people pushing it are . . . a bunch of elite whites
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Hillary shares one thing with Nixon for sure: "No Class"
Gerson on la femme Clinton's Nixonian scramble up the greasy pole of power. It's not that she's a crook. It's just that she has such tacky, tawdry taste. In men, politics, mail name it.
And that was of course Kennedy's prescient epitaph on Nixon: "no class". She can wear it on her headstone proud in the knowledge that she earned every letter.
Barack Obama is abandoning the Jews of Israel not because he's Muslim but because he's Leftist.
So even those who are furious with Netanyahu should really take a breath and a close look and consider this point carefully: The Arab-vote business is a pretext. American presidents, this one especially, typically do not revisit special strategic relationships based on election-day maneuvers in a democracy, however unpleasant they might find them. In my view, Obama is hoping once again to use liberal Jewish disaffection in the United States with Netanyahu as a wedge to give him space to make a major policy pivot from the special relationship—one for which he has hungered since he came into office.
It would behoove American Jews to remember that Stalinists always looked upon Trotsky as "that Jew".
Stupid and looted by politicians is no way to go through life but if you live in DC it is unavoidable.
Of course it's hard to berate DC when most of its citizens are making their living using the Federal government to rape the nation.
In my eight years in Washington, I have come to love its fabled streetcar project. I say “fabled” because as of this writing, we do not actually have any streetcars. No, wait, that’s wrong. We totally have streetcars. What we do not have are streetcars that actually ferry passengers hither and yon, rather than sitting in storage or going on endless test runs that all too frequently end in flames. The project has been hilariously mismanaged from start to (never-never) finish, though it would be a lot more hilarious if we hadn’t spent millions upon millions of taxpayer dollars on it.
Nonetheless, I am sad to hear that my fair city may terminate its streetcar service. We’ve got the tracks, we’ve got the cars, we’ve got a whole lot of new buildings along H Street that were counting on its existence, so we might as well just run the silly thing. Particularly since failing to do so has implications for future development.
Frack it! Fracking only works in North America and Australia.
Imagine: perhaps $150 trillion ($50 times 3 trillion recoverable barrels) dollars of wealth available to Americans, Canadians and Australians that is all but inaccessible to those who have been "saved" by their glorious governments. What a stunning price to pay to be manipulated by lawyers.
I'd be more impressed if the Clinton's scandals were less tawdry and more Dr. Evilish
The biggest crimes are always the legal ones. And the biggest crooks are the ones who say they're "fighting" for the "people".
Friday, March 20, 2015
Petraeus: Iran bigger threat than ISIS
I still suspect that Iran has funded ISIS as a distraction so it can slip it's nukes by in all the chaos.
Petraeus remarks here.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Howard Schultz is a joke to his employees and probably a danger to shareholders
Narcissistic bosses are very dangerous creatures.
Palestinians recognize that Israel is the region's most vibrant democracy. Why can't Obana?
Not very many Palestinians want to live in peace with Israel but they want what only Israel has: democracy, liberty and true, home-grown prosperity. Here's some examples:
Like the American left, Palestinians aren’t pleased about Benjamin Netanyahu’s victory. But some Palestinian opinion leaders are taking the news more graciously than David Axelrod and, I would argue, President Obama.
Evelyn Gordon reports:
A veteran Palestinian journalist from Ramallah summed up the prevailing sentiment [among Palestinians] succinctly. “We say all these bad things about Israel, but at least the people there have the right to vote and enjoy democracy,” he told Jerusalem Post reporter Khaled Abu Toameh. “We really envy the Israelis. Our leaders don’t want elections. They want to remain in office forever.”
Ghanem Nuseibeh, an East Jerusalem Palestinian now living in Britain, expressed the same view:
[Nuseibeh] put out an illuminating series of tweets throughout Election Day, including, “Over a million Arabs take part in Middle East’s most democratic elections today”; “The Arabs in Israel are the only Middle East Arab group that practices true democracy”; and “Israel is secure not because it will elect Bibi or Buji, but because of what it is doing today.”
He was rooting for Isaac Herzog (“Buji”) and deplored Benjamin Netanyahu, but after acknowledging that his candidate had lost, he nevertheless tweeted, “Israel is the world’s most vibrant democracy.”
(Emphasis added)
Even Hamas issued numerous tweets urging Israeli Arabs to vote for the Arab parties’ Joint List. As Gordon says, “one can only imagine what Gaza residents must have felt at seeing Hamas urge Palestinian Israelis to exercise a right Palestinians in Gaza are denied by their own Hamas-run government.”
Palestinians were able to vote in 2006. But since then, Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza both have refused to call new elections for fear of losing power.
Gordon notes that Abbas’ refusal to hold elections has implications for the peace process. It means that he lacks the democratic legitimacy needed to make the kind of concessions any peace agreement would entail. Palestinian human rights activist Bassem Eid made this point when he stated that Abbas will never be able to make peace with Israel, because he currently represents nobody except himself, his wife and his two sons.
The biggest crooks are always the ones with the badges - Wall Street edition
Larry Tribe then: "Obama smartest student evah" Larry Tribe now: Obama's EPA "burning the constitution"
As an aside: If Barack Obama was the "smartest ever" at Harvard Law then it would behoove those recruiting there to turn their efforts elsewhere. But in defense of Professor Tribe: saying racist lies so long as they flatter approved races is just as popular as it was in the Jim Crow South.
President Obama refuses to congratulate Netanyahu while he congratulated Erdogan, Rouhani and Putin on their 'democratic' 'victories'.
The Gods must be crazy - EPA seeking to regulate back yard barbecues
And some Patrick Henry of the barbecue set will inevitably rise to the top shouting (much more sensibly IMHO) "Give me barbecue or give them death". You think you've seen Jihad? You ain't seen nothing until you try to take away the backyard barbecue half of our "barbecue and Cardinals" tradition.
Madness. Utter madness. (think I'm joking? Eric Schmitt, the State Senator for my old district has already begun a campaign (see that if successful, will carry him to the Governor's mansion if not the White House. So watch for that name it's S-c-h-m-i-t-t, rhymes with s**t.)
Monday, March 16, 2015
There are two America's but only one can shoot.
Matt Ridley on why fossil fuels will save the world (really)
Once again Matt Ridley serves as the voice of sweet reason amidst the cacophonic hysteria that our elites have steered it into. Worth reading in its entirety.
It turns out that Duck and Cover made sense. So much so that the Obama administration is reviving it to prepare for the terror nukes threat.
Of course by supinely acquiesing to Iran's nuclear ambitions Obama makes the likelihood of a terror nuke more likely. So it's good that he's preparing us for his policy failure
. Who says he's not on the ball?
When Americans think about nuclear war, we tend to think about the apocalyptic scene at the end of Dr. Strangelove, a war involving thousands of megaton-yield hydrogen bombs. (A megaton is the equivalent of a million tons of TNT, or about 60-70 times the power of the Hiroshima atomic bomb, which had an explosive power of around 15 kilotons, the equivalent of 15,000 tons of TNT). But in 1951, neither the United States nor the Soviet Union had yet tested a hydrogen bomb, and the duck-and-cover era authorities were basically preparing people for a rerun of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with us on the receiving end of relatively small numbers of (relatively) small nuclear weapons. "Duck and cover" advice is particularly effective there.
It probably would behoove all of us to read this summary of Duck and Cover. Just in case....
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Why the developed world's carbon dioxide reduction efforts are futile in one chart.
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Now our Saviors are going to save us from Sex? Wait, that can't be right.
A WHIFF OF BRAVE NEW WORLD: Conditioning kids to have state-approved sex. “Before children get a chance to grow up and discover sex for themselves, the state will step in and enter their heads and their bedrooms. Consent classes will teach them that relationships should proceed in a particular way and that the decision to have sex with someone should be subject to explicit and ongoing negotiations. Much as the babies in Brave New World are conditioned to reject flowers and nature, children are to be taught that when it comes to sex, passion and spontaneity are dangerous.”
Minimum wage fraud hurts the weak but helps lying leftists.
Honest to gosh economists are fabricating "science" in the service of the Democrat's power agenda. They are claiming that when it comes to low priced, unskilled, interchangeable labor demand curves slope upwards - the more labor costs the more of it you want. Of course the argument is really a psycho-social one: they are arguing that the small businessmen, franchise holders and restaurateurs that employ low wage labor are so fucking stupid that they will do the equivalent of poke their eye out with a sharp stick and then with the hole still bleeding go buy a new pair of spectacles. This viewpoint now (very newly) held by ex economics Nobel laureate Paul Krugman is all the rage among the "gosh aren't people fucking stupid left". Of course the GAPFS left is filled with people like Paul Krugman who have never held a real job and would bankrupt any business they got within 50 yards of. But any bullshit in a storm is their motto.
Tons more specific but no more accurate reasons why this so called "finding" stinks worse than a pair of fetid dingo kidneys can be found here.
Quit panicking every time a Jihadi figures out how to use Youtube.
Outsiders rise to the top of unstable regimes all the time. But to become a transformational force they need to do so in great countries during revolutionary times. Without WW1 and the collapse of the Russian, German, Chinese and French empires, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao or Ho (if you assume WW1 caused WW2) would have lived their lives out in obscurity. Napoleon is nothing without the French revolution. As he would have been if he had been in the Saxon army or Hitler, had he grown up Bulgarian.
What characterizes today is how weak our enemies are and how disproportionate our panic is. And while the Ivy boys ARE flailing in obviously counterproductive ways, it is the so called "hard nosed realists" like Peters who are panicking. Calm down. If tiny Israel can see off the entire Arab world for almost 70 years and get rich to boot, then it is unseemly for a nation that is 50 times larger and almost 100 times richer to soil our dainties every time some hackemoff demonstrates that they've figured out the internet or an apparatchik like Putin gets temporary control of a fading oil kleptocracy.
The only thing that can kill the West is the West. It is what the Obami and their Eurocrat allies in fraud are doing as they busily jack hammer at the foundations of our civilization from within that should frighten us. Yet many of the realists assume that our internal strength is a constant - undiminished by the feckless cupidity of the post modern political class.
It would do these "realists" good to remember their history: it wasn't the barbarians that felled Rome - it had survived countless invasions only to rise stronger. It took the the incessant internal squabbling and greed of the Roman ruling class to smash an empire that had thrived for over 1000 years. The barbarians just gave the last push.
Pogo was right: "we have met the enemy and he is us".
Friday, March 13, 2015
Carbon capture "total lunacy"?
Anthony Watts argues that storing billions of tons of CO2 near population centers is a nuclear bomb scale catastrophe waiting to happen.
Herzog makes no mention of potential risks of concentrating large quantities of CO2. Why do I think CCS is so terrifying? The reason I am frightened of CCS is, the world has already experienced what happens if a large quantity of CO2 is abruptly released.
In Africa, in 1986, an abrupt release of an estimated 100,000 – 300,000 tons of CO2 killed 2,500 people up to 25km (15.5 miles) from the source of the release.
Concentrating large quantities CO2 in one place is dangerous. A similar release to the Lake Nyos disaster, near a major city, however unlikely, however elaborate the safety precautions, could potentially kill millions of people. The CCS concept involves the concentration of billions of tons of CO2 per annum in thousands of locations near major industrial centres. Can anyone imagine nobody will ever make just one mistake, with an operation on that scale? Just one release of a minute fraction of this concentrated CO2 could be as devastating, in terms of loss of life, as the detonation of a small nuclear bomb.
I suggest there is a very good reason CCS is “stuck in the slow lane”. The reason, in my opinion, is that it is total lunacy.
When the Crown Prince of Torts shows up at the college rape fiasco in his ceremonial jeweled suing shorts you know higher education is in for it.
Barack Obama, by putting colleges in the untenable, illiberal and un-American position of denying men due process rights when accused of sexual sssault has betrayed his most loyal constituency. But the risks to Democratd of losing single women unless they are regularly frightened is so great that collegs and their administrators are thrown under the bus. Left authoritarian politics ain't beanbag.
College Brass to be Sued Personally Over Date Rapes
$100 Million Estimated Legal Cost So Far Could Skyrocket, Predicts Expert
Oklahoma U. Expels Racist Students, But Not Violent Football Players: Do feelings matter more than actual violence?
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Claire McCaskill is a modernized McCarthy who needs to be removed from office
The Hunting Ground joins the movement to ruin a man’s career for the sake of an ideological agenda. ADVERTISEMENT A movement is afoot to destroy the career of a young black man whom a young white woman with overwhelming, well-documented credibility problems has accused of raping her. Three separate investigations, including a Florida State Code of Conduct hearing, have found former Florida State quarterback and Heisman Trophy winner Jameis Winston not to be a rapist. But now The Hunting Ground, a much-touted documentary on campus sexual assault, features his previously anonymous accuser presenting her case publicly for the first time.
Senator Claire McCaskill (D., Mo.) has warned that NFL teams had better “watch this movie before they draft him.” The movie, co-produced by CNN and created by Emmy-winning director Kirby Dick and Oscar-nominated producer Amy Ziering, has already aired at the White House, the Sundance Festival, many campuses, and in New York and Los Angeles. It will air on March 13 in other major cities, including Washington, D.C.
The film’s longest segment — 15 full minutes — is designed to prove that Winston raped former classmate Erica Kinsman and got away with it because of bad police work and college administrators’ greed and favoritism toward football stars. The film “throws down a challenge of a sort for the National Football League with a not-so-subtle suggestion that teams should think twice about drafting one of the top college prospects, Jameis Winston,” as the New York Times enthused.
(Read the whole thing. Taylor outlines a complete travesty that even our vicious man hating white house is part of.)
One in four women was being raped in 1993 and Hillary Clinton did nothing about it!
Two very depressing phrases
1. "For, as we approach the sixth anniversary of the US cyclical bull market (a post-war record), "
2. "the PE expansion of eurozone equities is simply off the scale."
It has been anything but a party for the average American. Even less so for Europeans. But the bankers and rich are already coming to the end of their entire toot before the rest of us even get to the "t".
So it goes in the land of hope 'n change. And in Europe where "hope and change" have ruled for 30 years. Yet we are told that all we need is even more left fascist looting by the political class to set things straight.
Greek "People's" government steals people's pensions, natch.
That's what "people's governments" do: make the people pay so that the parasites can feed. Any questions? Details here.
1st Quarter GDP is going to fall way below the anemic expectations
How do I know? A rather oily and depressed little birdy told me about the upstream collapse in oil and gas capital investment.
Screw college. My kids can learn how to be 'barf their guts out drunk' on their own time.
And learning about how to hate America and be a left wing bigot and chant dumb-ass slogans and believe even dumber-ass faculty can be learned while they're drunk at home too.
Since college increasingly teaches crap that's all anyone should pay. Make all those pompous PHD thimble riggers get a real job. Or at least a criminal side line.
Perhaps OU is too stupid to understand the Consteetooshun.
They are sure under a lot of fire for violating it in the Sig "Hey let's all chant 'we're dumbasses'" case.
Stamping out drugs (even though we can't and won't) means we have to protect sexual predators? Really?
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Chicago going down?
"A great idea is just an idea if you can't execute. And the government has proved time and time again, it can't execute."
Michelle Malkin describes her family's descent into Obamacare Phone Hell and other fiendish government torments. Another pro Obamacare journalist that was trapped with her in hell had this to say:
Klein concluded, better late than never: "I no longer believe that the government should mandate health care. ... A great idea is just an idea if you can't execute. And the government has proved time and time again, it can't execute.
And at the end of the day that's the blue governing elitaph: Bankrupt and can't execute. Which makes the Party of Government's biennial promises "lies".
Obamacare chaos is magnified by the President's unilateral immigration chaos.
"Feminists infantalizing young women" says liberal feminist.
Two two bit race and gender hustlers in a pod.
David Boren should know better
The President of OU, former governor and senator David Boren expelled two students for leading a racist chant at the SAE fraternity on campus. Expelling students for speech - no matter how repugnant - is against the law and a distinguished lawyer like Boren knows that. Perhaps Mr. Boren has had too much unchecked power and adulation for too long? Perhaps he forgets his place as a servant of the people, not their dictator.
Eugene Volokh explains the terrible precedent he is setting.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
T shirt slogans I'd like to see in latin
Cogito ergo sum eam - I think therefore I'm full of it
Veni, Vidi, non Vici - I came, I saw, I lost
Dallas delenda est - Dallas must be destroyed (well at least the Cowboys)
Keep Austin tragically hip (Latin doesn't begin to convey the pathos inherent in this).
Prosecutors and police routinely commit crimes in the course of their duties. And almost never are held accountable.
I’ve addressed the problem of prosecutorial misconduct here a few times before — both its prevalence, and the fact that misbehaving prosecutors are rarely sanctioned or disciplined. Recently (or perhaps the better word is finally), some judges have begun to speak out about the problem including, most notably, Alex Kozinski, the influential judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit.
Is Hillary Clinton hiding something? Now why would anyone say that?
![]() |
Hang on Hoo Hoo, it's going to be a bumpy ride! |
They have every identity covered except "human male and female". They say that the insane are always the last to learn of their madness. That is certainly true with America's institutions of "higher" learning.
Just when you’d gotten the hang of LGBTQ, they go and triple the number of categories. Wesleyan University is now offering a “safe space” (formerly known as a “dorm”) for students of the LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM persuasions, or, for those who need things spelled out, for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Queer, Questioning, Flexual, Asexual, Genderfuck, Polyamourous, Bondage/Disciple, Dominance/Submission, Sadism/Masochism student acolytes. If you are so heteronormative as to see the word “FAG” in the center of that jumble, you will surely not be allowed into the “safe space,” known as Open House.
At this rate of exponential increase in student gender identities, there will soon not be enough paper in college bureaucrats’ offices to provide official recognition and “safety.” Parents concerned that their little darlings may come home with bruises and abrasion from the whips and leather handcuffs need not worry, though. This proliferation of in-your-face sexual identities is all posturing, just part of the dance between students desperate to find one last means of being transgressive and college bureaucrats eager to show their sensitivity and to justify their siNJx-figure salaries. Students who should be studying European history and the roots of the novel—would that such subjects were still taught—are instead combing the farthest reaches of the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic Manual for ways to distinguish themselves. By posing what they hope will be rejected demands on their administrations, they seek only to prove that they are living a life of oppression.
Despite the seemingly all-inclusive aspirations of the LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM acronym, the university recognizes that not every student will feel comfortable in this new “safe space.” To accommodate still further variations in student interest, Wesleyan’s Office of Residential Life offers a variety of unique living options. Farm House provides students “interested in the politics and culture of food production and sustainability a place to cultivate a mutualistic relationship with the earth that provides them with their lunch everyday.” Residents of Earth House can “espouse the values and principles of social ecology, deep ecology, and eco-feminism” while simultaneously “challenging traditional social structures and replacing them with new, creative and egalitarian alternatives.” African-American upperclassmen are welcome to apply to live in Malcolm X House, where they can dedicate themselves to “the exploration and celebration of the cultural heritage of the African Diaspora, both for themselves and for the larger Wesleyan community.” Turath House is for Arab, Middle Eastern, and Muslim students looking “to articulate their views and express and affirm their culture and religion without fear of harassment and discrimination.”
But what if I'm LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM and Arab and a farmer and pro earth? And what if Arab me is Muslim and stones Farmer me for not being halal and LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM me for being haram? I need a safe place from myself. Get cracking Weslayan!
*Out Of Their Minds Roll On The Floor Raving Lunatics Who Would Be Put Out To Pasture Except That It Would Upset The Earth House's Cows.
Monday, March 09, 2015
"The global warming panic situation has developed not necessarily to the environmental movement's advantage".
The Swiss voters just nuked them.
Green Fiasco: 92% Of Swiss Voters Reject Carbon Tax In Referendum
Second worst results in modern Swiss history Swiss voters Sunday overwhelmingly rejected an initiative that would have scrapped the Alpine country’s value-added-tax system and replaced it with a carbon tax. Roughly 92% of voters opposed the initiative while 8% supported.
This green war to end all non green things is certainly failing to go as planned.
Sunday, March 08, 2015
Is Greenpeace the "John Birch Society" or the Westboro Baptist Church of the environmental movement?
What if Hillary really is incompetent?
The Democrats seem to be choosing their third identity candidate for President in a row. Like Barack Obama Hillary hasn't achieved much except the arduous and ambiguous achievement of staying married to Bill. Like him she has no meaningful executive leadership exoerience. And like Obama Hillary comes from the academic left wing of the party.
The sub Rosa slogan of her campaign is: "look! Ovaries!".
I don't think the nation will tolerate yet one more leftist incompetent. But we shall see, we shall see...
Kevin Williamson skewers her briskets with a Lubbock panache here.
Saturday, March 07, 2015
"Selma is now"? Really? That's where our Racial Healer in Chief is going with Ferguson?
Back in the late 1800s any time it looked like Democrats looked likely to win nationally the Republicans would "wave the bloody shirt" to remind everyone that (some other) Democrats once started the Civil War.
Liberal and black Democrats learned from that example. Now when threatened or even when they simply have an inconvenient topic they'd like to skirt, they wave the bloody shirt of racism. But tearing at long covered scabs isn't going to help anyone but the President and his cronies.
This guy is supposed to be a genius? Really?
To be a good doctor one needs to be able to diagnose the problem and its causes.
Except for campus rape
Barack Obama rationalizes the DOJ's (correct) decision not to prosecute Ferguson cop Darren Wilson. Saying:
“We may never know exactly what happened, but Officer Wilson — like anyone else who is charged with a crime — benefits from due process and a reasonable-doubt standard."
So rogue cops get due process and reasonable doubt but college men get only a preponderance of evidence standard in kangaroo courts? The President needs to decide if he wants one or the other.
DOJ finds Ferguson police were kleptocratic thugs.
Friday, March 06, 2015
Yes, Menendez is a crook. But he's being prosecuted for his truth telling.
The moment he points out the President's behavior vis a vis Iran and Israel charges that the Obami had bottled up for years come gushing forth.
"The EU experiment has failed"
The slow-motion crisis of the European Union is the big story that rarely gets the attention it deserves. Even an event like the recent terrorist attack in France that left 17 dead is often isolated from the larger political, economic, and social problems that have long plagued the project of unifying the countries of Europe in order to harness its collective economic power, and to avoid the bloody internecine strife that stains its history.
On the economic front, the E.U.’s dismal economic performance over the last six years was summed up in a December headline in Business Insider: “Europe Stinks.” The 2008 Great Recession exposed the incoherence of the E.U.’s economic structure, particularly its single currency, which is held hostage by the diverse economic policies of sovereign nations. The data tell the tale. The E.U.’s GDP grew 1 percent in 2013, anemic compared to the U.S.’s 2.2 percent. In December 2014, unemployment in the E.U. averaged 11.4 percent, while in the U.S. it was 5.6 percent. We are troubled by our labor force participation rate of 62.7 percent, a 36-year low. But in the E.U., it was 57.5 percent in 2013. Our recovery from the recession may be slow by our historical standards, but it is blazing compared to the E.U.’s.
The E.U.’s economic woes have many causes, but intrusively regulated economies and outsized government spending on generous social welfare transfers are two of the most important. Despite the rebuke of such policies delivered by the recession, government spending as a percentage of GDP has actually increased in the E.U., from 45.5 percent in 2007 to 49 percent in 2013, even as many Europeans decry the harsh “austerity” measures called for by countries like Germany. Greece, the E.U member increasingly in danger of being forced to exit the monetary union and thus risk its unraveling, has nonetheless raised its government spending from 46.8 percent in 2007 to 59 percent in 2013.
As Josef Joffe of Germany’s Die Zeit newspaper summarized in January, “These ailments are deeply embedded in economies that lag behind on investment, innovation and competitiveness . . . Europe as a whole is beginning to look like Greece writ large. But the long-term data whisper to Europe as well as to Greece: Reform or decline.”
Now it is time for all good Social Democrats to return to the horror swamp from whence they came and to allow, honest, civilized government unsullied by their obscene level of looting to return. The fresh breeze of honesty and reality will cleanse Europe of the left looters' self righteous stench.
Now back to America to evict the remain looting frauds from their rapidly bankrupting government sinecures.
Thursday, March 05, 2015
Iran: "Nuclear deal is very close"
Trying to solve culture with politics just makes political lawyers rich.
Ask Bill and Hill how much gravy you can squeeze from lying to desperate rubes year after year after year. Or wait a few and ask Barack and Michelle.
"My God how the money rolls in"
Social democracy exists because it allows those on top to stay on top by cutting off the bottom rungs of the ladder. This is why it so popular among the political class.
"There is no higher love (for self) Than a politician lay his constituents' lives down for his aggrandizement.
Tuesday, March 03, 2015
After his epic cave to Iran on nukes Barack Needs to slap Michelle silly
Because his "Mullah cave" proves he has no balls which means those girls ain't his. Jennifer Rubin expands on The One's Nonenuts.
Electing Barack Obama may turn out to be an existential blunder fir all of us.
Monday, March 02, 2015
Strange sentences: " Iran’s cabinet has more members with PhDs from American universities than that of America itself"
Sunday, March 01, 2015
Meanwhile Denmark ups the ante with business loans that pay the borrower interest
Bloody Scans are always goody two shoeing to and fro. What's next? Toilet trained newborns? Cats that put their owners first? DMV employees that give a rip? Everything is coming unmoored. Sob!
Is UCLA Judenrein?
The left doesn't even bother to disguise it's bigotry anymore. Video here.
ANTISEMITISM at UCLA. “In the video below, UCLA’s student council deliberates over the application of Rachel Beyda for a position on the university’s judicial board. Ms. Beyda is acknowledged to be ‘qualified, for sure’ and ‘a great candidate, obviously.’ Yet there is a problem. ‘I just worry about her affiliations.’ She is ‘a Jewish student and very active in the Jewish community.’ The student council voted not to appoint Ms. Beyda to the judicial board.”