Insurers aren’t even where the big money goes. In 2009, Forbes ranked health insurance as the 35th most profitable industry, with an anemic 2.2 percent return on revenue. To understand why the U.S. health-care system is so expensive, you need to travel higher up the Forbes list. The pharmaceutical industry was in third place, with a 19.9 percent return, and the medical products and equipment industry was right behind it, with a 16.3 percent return. Meanwhile, doctors are more likely than members of any other profession to have incomes in the top 1 percent.
Amazing, isn't it? Mr. Klein confuses profit margins with economic returns. He ignores risk, capital deployed and scarcity, simply equating dishonest trading or inequitable compensation with big numbers. Now perhaps Mr. Klein understands this - after all, he seems to be able to conjugate english verbs competently - the fact that he thinks his homies can't understand the basics of capitalist business economics is terrifying. How can we negotiate with elites who don't even understand what the hell is going on?
Now this isn't to say that some of our health companies aren't looting us, the Docs are as big a crowd of rent seeking, looting crooks as you'll find in any inner city - all enabled by our glorious Federal Looter state.
But Ezra's big idea is Monopsony. Having the state or some other monopoly group set prices. Remember: effectively the state does this for Docs and our docs make more than any one elses' in the world. The true tragedy of the lefty wonk is that they shove state manipulation into the mix and when it causes chaos they shove more manipulation and more and more and more manipulation. Which never makes things better, just more complex and allows wonks like Klein to derive higher rents for helping us untermenschen navigate the galactic scale chaos that they've created.
I say that we need monoposony pricing for journalist wonks and that price is $10 an article. Because we have way to much stupidity masquerading as thoughtfulness as Mr. Klein so ably demonstrates.
God help us every one.
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