Friday, January 31, 2014

Bambam goes tea party with minwage decree

The only problem with this is that Obama has a magic money machine - he'll just print more semollians or bitcoins or whatever and shazam, it t'won't cost nuthin'.  Our kids?  Not so much.  Being progressive means never having to say your sorry so long as you say it's 'for the kids' or 'for the poor'.

Why, you may ask, is this (minwage increase for Fed programs) initiative so useful? Well, let me explain. By voluntarily paying higher prices for some goods and services the federal government procures, without clamoring for new appropriations, Obama is effectively reducing the size of government. Paying prices that are 40 percent higher than before, without the corresponding massive budget expansion, brings down the amount of goods and services acquired by almost 30 percent. And Obama believes this to be a good idea. I am sure that even conservative tea party members who are opposed to most of the president's agenda will welcome this development.

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