Saturday, January 25, 2014

Statist authoritarian double standards on campaign finance

One of the moral challenges for Dems is that they make up the vast majority of the bureaucracy even when they don't hold the Presidency.  Because of this they have the temptation and opportunityto politicize Govt behavior that that really isn't available to Republicans. Without having to actually 'tell' the bureaucracy what to do, they will if not checked tend to target those whom they disapprove of.

Here's a good example:  Dinesh D'Souza is a famous and resourceful critic of the President but he is a bit player on the campaign finance game, bundling $20,000 in donations to a failed Senate candidate.  Nonetheless, the Obami are prosecuting.  By contrast Barack Obama deliberately engineered his Presidential fundraising website to obscure the illegal collection of tens of millions of foreign donations, even disabling standard features that would tell them where the money came from.  So the government employees are on their own persecuting their political enemies even though their President of their party was not prosecuted for vastly more egregious violations.

DOJ, FBI, IRS, NSA - the Feds have huge power and aren't doing a very good job showing impartiality or restraint these days.Read the sordid tale here.

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