Monday, September 01, 2014

The police are out of control pretty much everywhere. Particularly if you're young, male and/or a minority

Everything is against the law so the police and prosecutors have enormous scope to harass and punish you.  And to resist illegal and over the top police abuse is to risk being shot like over 400 other Americans were last year.  The police an prosecutors are no longer citizens like you are me, they are a militarized caste set apart, increasingly rewarded by the Federal Superstate for doing its bidding on things like the drug war.  And it isn't the 'bad apples' that's the problem.  It's that the police have concluded that we all are threats and criminals (as indeed we are when everything is against the law).  The police look at our last three Presidents each of whom clearly committed multiple felonies: Obama with hundreds of drug counts, Bush with quite a few drunk driving incidents, and Clinton with perjury, sexual harrassment and sexual assault.  So they reason that if the Presidents are guilty then everyone is.

The only problem is the police and prosecutors are even more guilty. Even the Atlantic is noticing it.  Although I'm sure they don't connect their enthusiasm for ever more coercion and law with the chaos of overpolicing and prosecuting.  That would be too much to ask.

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