Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Evidence that deemphasizing the "canon" is having an impact

New York Times reporters don't know who Shylock was and apparently don't think anyone else does either.  A-effing-mazing. More here.

Here is the beauty part. New York Times reporter Michael Barbaro opened himself up to the rather powerful inference that he is clueless in something like Bidenesque proportions with his tweet below. This whole “shylocks” thing was over his head.

Raise your hand if you were not familiar with the word "Shylock" before it became a controversy in past 24 hours?
He is a Timesman. Hath not a Timesman eyes? Hath not a Timesman brains,
ideas, concepts, senses, affections, a bloody reading list; fed with the same
leftist cant, filled with the same "I Rigoberta Menchu" drivel, subject to the same intellectual diseases, heal'd by the same means, warm'd and cool'd by the same hot air blatheirng
as a Literate man is? If you call him a stupid prick, will he not whine? If
you tickle him, will he not scream harassment? If you poison him with politically correct nostrums will his intellect not die?
And if he gets Shakespeare wrong, will he not denigrate it as old and dead and white and male? If he is ignorant in this, then he will report ignorantly in everything.

Thus Saeth the Bard (with some help)

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