Monday, September 22, 2014

Given the rape epidemic on campus is it wrong to send your daughter to college?

Watch this video of our President, Vice President and several Senators from the compassionate pro woman party describe the sexual assault epidemic on our college campuses. According to them one in five young women is raped while in college. And it must be true or the establishment press would have poured derision on the claim wouldn't they? After all you can believe what the press tells you about politician's claims can't you? Particularly about Democrat claims.
 By my calculations a large University like Texas at Austin experiences over 25 sexual assaults every night during the school year.  And that understates the tragedy because according to victims many are raped over and over, night after night in their own beds by the same rapist or sometimes in the rapist's bed or in the back of cars, or on the floor, or in front of the fireplace or on the kitchen counter.  Golly, the sirens from the police responding to calls on sexual assault must fill the night air around major universities.  We should probably increase police response tenfold.  But wait!  The Obama administration has issued new regulations that instruct (with swingeing fines for non compliance) Universities not to call the police when find a young woman has been sexually assaulted.  They are supposed to let the rapist run free while the campus disciplinary committee develops its case. No doubt to smoke the little pervert out when he sexual assaults again.  I admire the subtle brilliance of the Obama administration - but they always said Barack Obama was the smartest Man at Harvard Law - and I believe them.

But what does it say about Universities that these paragons of liberal rectitude have rates of brutality towards women that are ten or twenty times that of the far less enlightened young hoi polloi not in college?  What is it about the college environment that produces such immense rates of evil in our young men? And immense rates of naive stupidity in our young women?  Is it the "overall anything goes" message from the faculty and staff?  Is it all the liberalism and hatred of America?  Is it just the generalized scorn for 'traditional morality'? Whatever it is it seems obvious that you wouldn't want your daughter to attend an American college.  And because the poison that colleges extrude seems to be producing vile, perverted behavior in men, why would you want your sons to attend either?

Perhaps the Muslims are right:  women are only safe in their father's home until they move to their husband's home.  But President Obama also tells us that marriages are hotbeds of sexual assault and violent abuse towards women as well.  Clearly young men and women have too much freedom - we need to organize them into quasi military organizations so that they can be properly segregated and supervised and serve the State rather than sin against it.  Something like the WPA for every one - you know - an Americanized Konsomol.  We could call it the Obama Youth. And then they could graduate into the Obama Social Army - a cohesive Corps of Community Organizers that Saul Alinsky (PBUH) could only dream of.

Thank God we have the Smartest Man at Harvard Law leading us.

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