Friday, September 26, 2014

The most frightening consequence of the Current Administration is that it has led China to conclude that the US won't fight

The rather aimless, poll driven and wishful Obama foreign policy threatens to lead China into the greatest miscalculation of US resolve since Pearl Harbor. China is widely reported as believing that the US won't intervene to save it's friends in Taiwan, Japan, and Korea - an impression they did not get from George W Bush.

The real threat is that China's miracle economy stalls and retrenches causing mass unrest and China's rulers are panicked into foreign adventures to rally public opinion to them. Call it the Galtieri Gambit after the General in charge of the Argentine junta who invaded the Falklands to divert public opinion away from his faltering rule.

Only if China does so it will be a disaster the likes of which haven't been seen since WW2. God help us every one. As Kissinger said:
As Henry Kissinger says of the Korean War, “We did not expect the attack; China did not expect our response.”  Of such miscalculation, devastating wars are made.

Read the whole frightening thing.

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