Thursday, February 03, 2011

Obami held in 'contempt' by Federal judge for reimposing drilling ban after judge struck it down

Of course no one will get jugged or suffer any career consequences.  Consequences for dishonestly taking people's property are only for the little people.  Hat tip Planet Gore.

A Louisiana federal judge on Wednesday held the Interior Department in contempt for re-imposing a deepwater oil-drilling ban last year after the judge had struck down an earlier version of the moratorium.
The contempt finding provides political ammunition for Republicans and pro-drilling Democrats who say Interior is blocking offshore development. Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) quickly called the order a “sharp rebuke of the Interior Department for continuing to place politics before all else following the BP spill.”
Judge Martin Feldman’s ruling — which is stuffed with harsh words for Interior — orders the department to pay attorneys’ fees in the case against last year’s drilling ban brought by several offshore oil services companies.

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