Thursday, February 03, 2011

The fascists are screwing up....big time.

Senator Rand Paul has come out with a budget that cuts one third of the annual deficit.  It wipes out the NEA, the NEH, most of the two DOEs and privatizes the Smithsonian.  Read the rest here.  The upshot:  you can wipe out most of the Federal borg and still not get far enough because the massive Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid entitlements constitute most of the budget.

Yet the left won't let those be touched.  And there's the rub:  we are looking at a world where almost all of the Federally funded foot soldiers of the left along with their fellow travelers in the Universities and fat bottomed charities are at risk of obliteration to save the big entitlement programs.  Which in the end are going to get nailed anyway.

From my standpoint as a Libertarian, that sequence of events is wonderful:  obliterate all of the lefty subsidies first and then reform the big entitlements.  By doing so we will get rid of literally millions of unionized fascist foot soldiers who will no longer have the time and their unions will no longer have the money to spend politicking on behalf of state power.

The budget chaos that leftist profligacy has guaranteed also guarantees that the left is entering the political equivalent of nuclear winter.  And here's to hoping that they forgot to build their fallout shelters.

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