Sunday, September 07, 2014

They're the farmers and you're the crop.- a parable of "progress"

So you live in a poor neighborhood and to relieve stress you smoke a doob every night after work that you bought from the corner drug dealer. Your affluent boss relieves his stress with a Paxil he bought at the corner...Walmart. According to Our Lord and Savior, the Federal Super State your Boss consumed while you sinned because he paid a high priest called an MD for absolution and then got his mind altering sacrament from a licensed temple. While you, you piece of shit, merely committed a crime.

But the drug dealer still got your money and used it to buy formula for his girlfriend's baby and four new tires for his ride. The baby's not his because his girlfriend hooks on the side. She nets $200 a trick from her regulars like the guy who takes Paxil instead of Marijuana. When her lights get to flickering she calls you to repair the wiring rather than a licensed electrician which makes you a piece of shit crook.  

Her babysitter watches three hookers' kids but of course doesn't have a child care license so according to the government she's a piece of criminal shit too with three child endangerment citations for watching babies without a piece of paper.  Which the rich guy's teenage daughter makes ten bucks an hour doing all the time all nice and legal like due to the babysitter exemption that lawmakers wrote into the law because they had and used babysitters at home.

Now the drug dealer's ride has new tires but he couldn't pay the personal property tax so he can't get registered so his safe, conservative ride makes him - you guessed it - a piece of shit criminal. So when the daughter of the rich Paxil guy rams him in her dad's brand new Escalade because she's late for her (legal) child care gig he's the (piece of shit) who gets arrested. He's got several misdemeanor citations and when he was 17 years old he punched a cop (who then beat him into the hospital).  He didn't punch the cops the first 13 times they rousted and humiliated him in front of his friends but on the 14th time he was with his girlfriend and the cop was particularly condescending.  He's lucky he and his girlfriend weren't slaughtered as the Skinhead Savior squeezed off all ten rounds in his Glock in a panicked, diarrheic fusillade aka; "Self Defense".

And of course because of that little 'incident' he doesn't have any legal job options above trash man and the ladies don't hang with trash men (something about the smell) so naturally he goes into the only business that doesn't discriminate against convicts like he and sixty or so percent of the other men in his neighborhood are.  Indeed the established norm is to live prole-like outside of the party apparatus that rules a country that for all that it matters to him might as well be Oceania which has always been at war with Eastasia. I mean who gives a fuck?

So then one day the Jesus people come by and tell you they love you and give you some cans of crap that their kids wouldn't eat so why not give it to losers and then the social comes around and since he's signed you up for everything that keeps his job safe he threatens you that it will be taken away because by breaking this law and that ordinance and this codicil of that court order you are in violation of this or that subsecction number x.y.z part d.  But since you went to public schools that spent twice the national average per pupil which all went to the union, you can't read very well so you couldn't find ordinance number x.y.z part d to save your soul.  Not that  you would because you're from the 'hood and the progressive stupor state has told you from the day you were born that you are (on alternating days) a helpless loser that the state needs to care for and a dangerous piece of shit that the state needs to control and punish.

All you know is that you're fucked and no one, not the smarmy Jesus people, not the time serving social, not the local party machine's vote buyers, not the bastards in blue and certainly not the guy that used his physical similarity to you to get elected and talked all about 'change' and 'hope'  gives a shit.  From the state licensed and badged crook on the corner to the one in the Oval Office, they're all farmers.  And you're the crop.

It's all so incredibly progressive.

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