Thursday, August 11, 2011

BHO: He's out of bullets

"Into the great wide open, into the skies of blue, into the great wide open, an ego without a clue".  Charles Krauthammer channels Tom Petty.

Well, we were talking here about how detached and disengaged he appears and how disturbing it is particularly to Obama’s allies in the press. But the irony is that even if he were undetached and concerned and involved, the markets have shown that he is the anti-E.F. Hutton. When he speaks, no one listens. The markets take no notice whatsoever of what he does.
And the reason is he has no ideas. He’s out of bullets, he’s out of arrows, he doesn’t have a clue.

And we just heard that sound bite from Jay Carney in which he said the president will havespecific ideas on debt reduction. Will have? This is after the government announced today that the deficit for this fiscal year – we’re only 10 months in, two months to go –already has exceeded a trillion dollars. After ‘09 and ‘10, you add this year’s deficit [and] here’s a president who’s run up $4 trillion in debt in less than three years — and he’s still [saying he] “will later have ideas on reducing debt.”
He is clueless and for now irrelevant.

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