Friday, August 12, 2011

Another example of fascist rent seeking

The Obami are proposing CAFE fuel economy standards for trucks.  There is no logical case for this (none for cars, either, but that's beside the point) truckers are in the business of optimizing the cost, speed and accuracy of their deliveries.  There is no way that a Federal Bureaucrat is going to regulate them to more efficiency.  The purpose of this law like most regulations is rent seeking.  Once an area of life is regulated, then the regulators gain power and ultimately the wealth that comes from exercising power.   And powerful interests gain at expense of the weak.  It's just another outrage 'midst the horrid roar.

WILL C.A.F.E. STANDARDS FOR BIG RIGS MAKE A DIFFERENCE? “Trucking companies obsess about fuel costs. Talk to a trucker right now: you’ll get an earful. Better yet, talk to his manager. It’s like finding some sort of Rain Man savant whose hobby is tracking the price of diesel. And there is capital out there to help them make the transition to a more efficient fleet, if the trucks are available. So I have a hard time believing that if there were some even nominally cost-effective way to make trucks 25% more efficient, truck owners and haulers would be passing it up in favor of upgrading the leather on the heated seats. . . . Either something is missing in this story, or American manufacturing is in even worse shape than I suspected.”

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